Vincy denied her husband, Jomon to go to the club last night for no good reason. Jomon is surprised with her denial as she was quite happy with him till yesterday and he can’t find a valid reason for the same. Jomon explains that Vincy is a quite intelligent woman and is in a happy much often. But yet sometimes she to be worried on not happy with me, when she suddenly turns down my proposal to go out for dinner or a movie.
While Vincy clears that Jomon is a quite good husband and he takes care of her small and big necessities. But along with that he is an introvert person too and she doesn’t feel that much secured with him while going out.
What’s The Case?
The case is much clear here and it’s all about how a woman with her husband. Vincy is not angry with Jomon, nor is she uncomfortable in going out with her husband. But she fears that Jomon won’t be able to protect her if an unwanted situation shows up before them. A man is responsible to make her woman feel safe and protected in house as well as where he takes her with.
How To Make Your Woman Feel Secured?
It’s one of your primary responsibilities to make your woman feel safe and protected once she becomes your girlfriend or wife. There are thousands of men who don’t know or don’t feel the need to know when their woman is comfortable and when she is not. If you too don’t know what the situations that make your woman comfortable are and how to make your woman safe, here I am going to help you with the same.
Make Love with Passion
The way you love your woman matters a lot to her. She gets a feeling to utmost security when you make passionate love with her and make her believe how special she is for you. The passion is the key term here. She needs to know that she matters for you and you aren’t just going through the motions. Just hold her in your arms after you are done and see in her eyes how secure she feels with you.
Don’t Stare Other Women When You’re With Her
This is a thing that matters for most of the women. When you take your woman out for a date or for shopping, try to spend more and more time with her. Give her the full attention while you are with her. It will help her feel more important to you and she will return the care with a greater enthusiasm. But don’t stare other women when your woman is with you. It may make your woman feel insulted as she will think that you are not interested in her. If even if there is a woman on other table you can resist looking at her, just give a straight glance and don’t look back at her.
Invest in the Family and the Children
The next thing to make your woman feel more secure is giving proper time and doing the necessary investments for the same. You should invest in insurance and other policies for your family and children. It will make your woman believe that you are sincere for the sake of your woman as well as your family. Your decisions taken for your family will show that you put your family priorities on top and partner is certain to feel happy as well as secure.
Don’t Make Her Compete
The comparisons of your woman made in the casual talks may cause an insecure feeling in your woman. Every woman has individual characteristics that you may not find in other women. Comparing your woman cannot help your get those particular attributes. Also your woman may feel ignored that is certainly not good for your relationship. Instead, you should look for the characteristics your woman owns and your woman possessed and other women don’t. Appreciate your woman for those characteristics and she will definitely feel being loved.
Be Dependable and Consistent
For a woman to believe in her partner, the man needs to do what he says. He needs to keep the promises he does. It helps to increase the belief of a woman on her partner. Believe me, if you are keeping the promises made to her, you will she is becoming more open and confident day by day. It will add an extra feather in her personality and she will start loving more than ever. Moreover, you are supposed to be consistent and keep your performance consistent to make your secure with you.
Appreciate Her in Public
When are in parties in clubs with your woman, how you behave and what you talk about her matters for her. You should try to avoid the situations that may make her uncomfortable in public. You should not try to criticize her in public or not discuss her mistakes with her women friends in the party. She may feel embarrassed and that may lower her confidence in you. Rather than you should appreciate her for the qualities she has. You can talk about the moments when you were helpless she surprisingly showed up to heal you. It will increase her trust in you and she will more comfortable with you.
Come Front & Take the Charge
The last but not the least thing is that you should act like the leader of your family. The leader of a family all the responsibilities to feed his family as well as make them feel protected. You should come front and take the charge. While you are out with your woman, you should behave confident and strong so that the strangers or evil mind may not dare to approach your woman and woman may feel her safe in your arms.
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