Camilla and Zydus are married for last 3 years and happily living their lives together. They share a unique mutual understanding and known as an ideal couple for the same. But since a few months; Zydus feels that the mutual understanding between them has weakened and he sometimes has no idea what Camilla actually wants.
On the other hand, Camilla clarifies that Zydus used to be so intelligent just a few months ago and she never needed to demand anything from him as he used to understand automatically what she needed at a particular situation or occasion. But for few months he is behaving so dumb and she have demand if she wants anything from him.
What’s The Case?
The case may seem to be one of the normal issues between a couple but it’s not that so simple. This case is very crucial and has the potential to greatly complicate the things between a couple. When a woman marries a man or goes in a relationship with a man, she wants him to completely understand his partner. She wants him to understand how she is feeling at a particular situation and what she may need for the same. A man is supposed to sense the inner level of comfort of his woman even if she isn’t expressing or committing it.
What Are The Myths Men Have?
But, since before a man comes in a relationship with a woman; his mind gets captured by the confusing myths about a woman, stopping him to get the real psychology of a woman. Most of these myths are inspired from the unauthorized sources that men to form a misconception about women. Here, I am going to explain few of those myths that may help you to understand your woman better.
Women Want More Romance
The myth number one is that women are more romantic than men. Usually people think that women have a stronger desire for intimacy and are more sex-deprived than men but that’s not true completely.
As per a survey conducted on 200 couples, men have revealed that their woman is not sex-deprived or kind of thirsty for sex. Although, she happily accompanies her partner when he initiates the intimacy game with her. They have cleared that women too have their sexual desires that may have a less or an equal intensity than their man but she rarely exhibits it. She prefers her partner to be romantic first and start the sex game. She likes to be loved by her man more than to love and loves the feeling of being very special for her partner.
Physical Attractiveness Is Of Less Importance
The next myth is about the physical attractiveness of a partner and what a man or woman thinks about it. The myth is that men give more importance to a partner’s physical attractiveness rather than women. Men are considered to value or judge a woman by her physical attractiveness and her appearance is considered everything.
Well, the truth is that the myth is half true and half false. Till there men are concerned, it’s true that they give a lot importance to the physical attractiveness while choosing a mate or to get seduced by one. But women are not less than men as well. They too are sincere about the physical appearance and attractiveness of a man as her partner is supposed to ensure her physical as well as emotional security wherever she goes with him.
Hence, a woman checks whether a man is enough good looking so that her female friends can get jealous as well as enough strong to protect her from the evil minds in public.
Women Are Uninterested In Casual Sex
Another myth about women psychology is that women are very conservative about sex and aren’t interested in casual sex. People think that women sex only whenever she is demanded by her partner and can’t have their own sexual fantasies. But that’s completely false.
According to a survey conducted in UK, women have accepted that they too have their sexual fantasies and they would love it if their man tries some different location, position or style for intercourse. They have confessed that they would turn up positive about a casual sex when she feels bored from a typical type of sex.
Women Behave Differently Toward Relationships
The personalities and orientations of men as well as women have been discussed for a num of times and it has been explained how men and women differ from another and need a different approach to understand each-other. It’s been told that they are supposed to act completely different and hence they possess a very different attitude towards their relationships.
That’s not the truth actually. Although it’s true that men and women have many differences between them but when it comes to their relationship they act or response almost the same way. To keep a relationship a man needs to felt that whatever he is doing for his partner is well-appreciated from that side. Similarly a woman wants her man to appreciate her for the efforts she makes and the sacrifices she does.
Women Go Hostile While Handling Conflicts
One more myth is there about the ways a woman handles a conflict. Arguments and conflicts are an integral part of a relationship and the myth is that women are considered to be more aggressive while handling a conflict.
The truth is that a woman is more possessive to keep up a relationship with a man she loves. And she may get little worried about losing the relation with her partner and may sound little hostile but the inner truth is that from the core of her heart, she is equally willing to keep up a relationship with her man.
By now, you have got the major myths a man may have and you are needed to change your perception about your woman. A very happy and lively relationship is waiting for you. All The Best!
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