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Know How Can You Make Your Woman Confident To Comparisons?



Merita complains that has she has married a completely wrong guy who is extremely shy in public and she often has to face embarrassment for the same. On the other hand, Kevin says that he doesn’t like to show to the whole society or world what his feelings for his wife are. He thinks that an outer world has no authority to give a certificate whether he is a good husband or not. He also complains about Merita and says that he is fed up of her habit to compare everything with other women in her circle.

What’s The Case?

Well, the case is similar to thousands of other cases as women are quite known to compare themselves with each-other. Women are known to be born competitors are they try to compare almost everything they possess.

Sometimes they want to hide their weaknesses, problems or miseries and this habit of competition helps her sometimes to face those miseries and come back stronger than before. Sometimes they also compare themselves with other women to exhibit what they have got. She gets the attention of the crowd and it gives her an opportunity to feel proud of her. It boosts her self-esteem and she gets involved in other jobs of life with a better enthusiasm.

How Women Compare Themselves?

So, it might be little tough for Kevin to completely stop the habits of comparison of Merita. Better, he should try to understand what the things a woman notices in a woman first are and how she reacts about the same. Here, I am going a few things on the basis of a woman judges another woman.

How Fat She Is?

You may not believe me but the first a woman notices in another woman is her shape. She checks how fat the woman before her is? She checks whether she is fatter than her? Or she possesses a better figure than her? If the woman before her is fatter than her, she feels that she is in a better shape and a superiority complex enters her that may often be helpful to make her special at odd moments. While is she finds the woman before her has a slimmer body than her, she may get envy of her and might be less courteous while interacting.

How Much Makeup She Wearing Is?

The next your woman may notice in other women in her circle is the amount of makeup put on by someone. She checks how much make up a woman wearing is? Has she put on any makeup? Has she put on excessive makeup? How she is looking with that makeup? How would she look without a makeup? The response of a woman to another depends on these things only. If a woman finds that another woman is wearing too much makeup and looking funny with that, she may indirectly compliment about the same while having a conversation. And if she finds a woman is wearing the right amount of makeup is looking great; she will just compliment she is looking not bad, when asked about the same.

How Her Dressing Sense Is?

This is one of the most important factor to compare the women with one-another, the dressing sense. Yes, women pay a lot of attention to the dresses worn by other women. She checks what a dress a woman is wearing? How it looks on her? How comfortable she is in moving in that dress? If a woman finds that a woman finds out if a woman is wearing a dress that doesn’t make a sense with the occasion; that means if a woman has worn just another day top and skirt in a party where she is supposed to wear a party wear; she may sarcastically comment on her dressing sense. If she has worn a dress that doesn’t suit her personality and she is looking funny, a woman also may make fun of the same.

How Her Husband Or Partner Looks?

Whenever a woman goes to a party with her man may be her husband or her boyfriend, another women look at the man she has come with, at the same moment they see her. The women in the party keenly look at her man and compare him with their own mean. Does he look more handsome than their man? Is he taller than their man? Has he a more muscular body than their man? If the women in party find that the man of a woman in the party is not that handsome or muscular than their man, the impression of the woman coming with that man is also supposed to see a downfall. But if they find that the man of a woman in the party is much handsome and possesses a more muscular than their man; they are definitely likely to interact the woman with him and be nice to her.

How You Can Help Her?

Here you might be thinking of the use of explaining these things to you. Yes, all these things have a purpose to be mentioned. These things are mentioned here to let you know how a woman usually compares herself with other women and how can help her to make feel superior.

Of course, you may not help much in trimming her figure, advising on wearing makeup or creating dressing sense for different occasions, but you can definitely help with the last one. You can certainly make her feel proud when goes to a party or a public gathering with you. And that can be done with your muscular body and an attractive physique. If you have ignored the importance of being a muscular man, start your workouts from tomorrow itself, in order to make you woman feel special than other women and be the center of attraction.

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The post Know How Can You Make Your Woman Confident To Comparisons? appeared first on HerbalHunk.com.

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